Friday, August 28, 2015

The Super Moon August 29, 2015

Unwinding on one of our sunset cruises is a perfect end to a busy day.  As we return from the Gulf on a clear evening, the night sky dotted with stars is certainly a sight to behold.  A Full Moon on such a night is an added treat!

On Saturday, August 29 the Full Moon is referred to as a Super Moon.  If conditions allow, it will be visible in its location on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated.  Because the moon will be at its closest approach to the Earth, it will appear to be slightly larger and brighter than usual.  Make sure to step outside and take a look.

Friday, August 14, 2015

All About Dolphins

All About Dolphins

One of the most exciting things about our tours is spotting Dolphins in the crystal blue waters we cruise on. We thought it would be fun to share some Dolphin facts with our Facebook followers. Compared to other animals, Dolphins are believed to be very intelligent. They have excellent sight and hearing and they have the ability to use echolocation to find exact location of objects. 
Bottlenose Dolphin is the most common and well known type of Dolphin, these are the ones you see on our cruises. Dolphins travel in pods. The females are called Cows and the males are called Bulls. Young Dolphin or calves stay with their mothers’ for about 2 years before going out on their own.
The popularity of Dolphins rose in the 1960’s after the movie ‘Flipper’ was made. Subsequently, it was made into a TV series. The series was filmed in Miami at Greenwich studios, and at Key Biscayne, Florida. Flipper was first portrayed by a female Dolphin named Susie. Kathy, Patty, Scotty, and Squirt followed. Females were chosen because their skin was smooth and free of scaring because unlike male dolphins, they are less aggressive and not prone to fighting. The only male dolphin used in the series was Clown. The females could not master the famous ‘tail walk’, so he was brought in to execute that now famous movement!

Book your next cruise and make sure to keep all these facts in mind when keeping an eye
out for them on board.

#loveFl , #cruising, #dolphin, #gulf

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Elusive Florida Manatee....

The Elusive Florida Manatee…
Manatees are an intriguing figure of Florida’s coast!  These fully aquatic mammals belong to 3 species.  They are:  West African, West Indian, and the Amazonian. 
Our Florida dwellers weigh about 60 pounds at birth!  They have a large flexible upper lip which they use to gather and eat food.  The Manatee will usually breed every 1 to 2 years, to a single calf.  The calf will stay with his mother between 12-18 months until they have been weaned.  Apart from that time, the Manatee is a solitary species. 
When fully grown, they weigh up to 1500 pounds!  They can reach up to 12 feet in length.  Sometimes referred to as ‘Sea Cows’ the Manatee must breath air at the surface.  They can however, stay submerged for up to 15 minutes.  When they are actively swimming, they will surface for air every 3 or 4 minutes.
Like Dolphin, they show qualities of associative learning.  This means they appear to have long term memory and task learning abilities.

Join us on our Cruise and maybe you will be lucky enough to see one! #cruise #manatee #cruise #naples #loveflorida